Free Download and Install Popular Mangal Font in 2024

How to install mangal font in window 10? – Friends, today we are going to tell how to install mangal font in window 10?

Friends, when we go to learn Hindi typing, then only one thought comes in our mind that which unicode should we use to learn Hindi typing, then friends, today we are going to discuss the same thing that which font we should use for Hindi typing. Why should I use it and how to install mangal font in window 10?

Friends, today we are going to talk about mangal font! Friends, Hindi language has been given a lot of importance in the government offices of India, in which whatever work related to typing is done in government offices, it is done in MANGAL font, friends MANGAL font is such a font which has been made mandatory in government offices.

Friends, when we apply for any government job, in which Hindi typing test is taken, that typing is done to us only on MANGAL font! That is why institutes learning Hindi typing also learn typing on MANGAL font and recommend MANGAL font only.

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So let’s start friends how to install mangal font in window 10

First of all friends, we know that how we have to download mangal font, so let’s learn

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how to download mangal font?

mangal font

Now you have to click on indic language input tools here, then you have to go to indic input 3 and click on download in front of Hindi.

Install Popular Mangal Font

Friends, the thing to remember here is that you should know how many bits your window is, normally window 10 is 64 bit only, so that your Mangal font setup will be downloaded.

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how to install mangal font?

  1. Now you have to double click on the downloaded setup and install it, now the language (ENG) option will appear next to the date and time on the right side of your computer’s desktop.
  2. Now you have to left click on that icon and select Hindi INDIC INPUT 3.
  3. Friends, now you have to make some settings in your computer, so that your Mangal font will be INABLE, now we have to click on (ENG) icon and go to language preference, now we have to go to SPELLING SPELLING AND KYEBOARD SETTING.
  4. friends, after clicking on it We will scroll it and we will go here to ADVANCED KYEBOARD SETTINGS Friends, now we have to USE THE DESKTOP LANGUAGE BAR WHEN ITS AVAILABLE
  5. Click on CHAKE BOX As soon as we click on this CHAKE BOX we will see an option on our TASK bar Click on LANGUAGE BAR
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font download

7. Then we will see some type of language bar then we will go to SETTING and go to KYEBOARD and TICK on REMINGTON GAIL friends, now Mangal font has been installed in our computer.

Popular Mangal Font

How to install mangal font in window 10? You must have understood the topic of how to download MANGAL font and keep visiting our blog to get information.

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