Fee concession application In School, Collage – 2024

Friends, today We are going to share with you people how to write application for fee concession. If you are not able to pay the fees due to the financial condition of the house or due to some reason, then you can use the format of this application.

In this application format, the reason for not being able to pay the fee has been given as lockdown, by changing this part, you can enter your reason why you are not able to pay the fee.

Application For Full Fee Concession

To ,
Mr. Headmaster,
Bharti High School,

Subject: Application for fee Concession.


It is my humble request that I am a student of class VIII in your school. My father is a small businessman. And our livelihood runs on their earnings. But due to the lockdown, the financial condition of our house has deteriorated. Due to which father is unable to pay school fees.

So I request you to kindly waive my fees for this year.

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kind regards.
Your obedient student,
Name – Ankit Shah
Class – VIII
Date ____

Fee concession letter in english from parents

The Principal
_________ (Name of the School)
_________ (School Address)

Date: __/__/____ (Date)

_________ (Name of the Parent)

Subject: Undertaking for fees payment

Dear Sir/Madam,

I beg to state that, I am ________ (Name of the Parent), parent/guardian of __________ (Name of the Student) currently studying in class _________ (Class) in your esteemed school.

I hereby write to inform you that I will not be able to pay the fees of _________ (Semester/Year) due to ______________ (salary issues/some other emergency payments).

I promise that I shall pay the fees by ____________ (Date and Month), and there will be no delay in the same. I am providing my contact details for further reference.

Thanking you,
__________ (Name of the Parent)
__________ (Signature)
__________ (Contact details)

Fee concession application in english from parents

The Principal,
___________ (Name of the College),
___________ (Address)

Date: __/__/____ (Date)

___________ (Name of the Parent/Guardian),
___________ (Address)

Subject: Request for concession in fee

Respected Sir/Madam,

With all due respect, my name is _____________ (Name of the parent/guardian) and I am parent/guardian of _____________ (Name of the student). My ward reads in __________ (Session, Year) in ____________ (Name of the department).

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I am writing this letter to bring in your concern that I will not be able to pay the fees of my ward for the session ___________ (Year, session) for the reason being _________________ (due to lockdown/mention the reason).

I do not want any break in my ward’s education, so I humbly request you to provide me with some concessions. I want to tell you that my ________ (son/daughter) is excellent in academics and definitely needs a chance to shine in her future.

I hope that you will consider my request as genuine and let my ward a concession so that he/she may continue classes.

Thanking You,
Yours ____________ (Sincerely/Faithfully),
_____________ (Name),
_____________ (Signature)

Full fee concession application in english

The Principal,
___________ (Name of the School),
___________ (Address)

Date: __/__/____ (Date)

Subject: Request for full fee concession

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am most respectfully writing this letter in order to inform you that my name is _______ (Name) and I am a student of your school studying in ______ (Class) class having roll number ________ (Roll Number).

I am writing this letter to bring into your knowledge the condition of my family. My family is suffering from a ________ (money crunch/financial problem) as my parent __________ (reason) therefore, it is getting difficult for my family to pay the fees on time. I am a hardworking student and keen to learn new things.

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As I want to continue my education from your reputed school. Therefore, I request you to kindly provide me with a full-fee concession for the fee payment of _______ (Quarter/ Year/ Amount). I shall be highly obliged for your kind support.

Thanking You,
Yours Sincerely/Faithfully),
_____________ (Signature),
_____________ (Name),
_____________ (Roll Number)

Fee concession letter in english from student

The Principal,
___________ (Name of the College),
___________ (Address)

Date: __ /__ / ____ (Date)

___________ (Name of the Student),
___________ (Address)

Subject: Request for bus fare concession

Respected Sir/Madam,

With due respect, my name is ____________ (Name of the student) and I study in ___________ (Year). My roll number is ____________ (College Roll Number).

I am writing this letter to request a concession on the bus fare. My bus number is __________ (Bus number) and the bus route is _________ (Mention the bus route). My current fare which I submitted for the session _________ (Session) is _________ (Mention the amount).

I am requesting a possible concession of __________ (Mention the fare) due to ___________ (Mention the possible reason/financial reasons/others). Please consider my request genuine.

I will be grateful for your kind consideration.

Yours ____________ (Sincerely/Faithfully),
_____________ (Name),
_____________ (Signature)

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Write an application to the principal for fee concession

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