Microsoft/MS Windows 2024 | History, Versions, Best features, Parts & Facts

What is MS Windows? – What is Windows The full name of Microsoft Windows – “Microsoft-Word Interactive Network Development for Office Work Solution”, Microsoft Windows is an operating system developed by Microsoft for personal computers. The founders of Microsoft are Bill Gates and Paul Allen. What is Microsoft Windows Windows operating system is being used in about 90% of the world’s personal computers. It features Graphical User Interface (GUI), multitasking, virtual memory.

MS Windows – Introduction, Versions, History and Development

Windows is a 32/64 bit multitasking operating system that started in 1985 as an operating environment system running on MS-DOS. The first free version of Microsoft Windows 1.0, known as Interface Manager, appeared on November 20, 1985. But Microsoft’s head of marketing, Rowland Hanson, suggested the name Windows, which consumers found more appealing.

Windows Desktop

When the process of booting into the computer system is completed, the screen that appears in front of us is the desktop. It is the background of all the programs and the commands required to access them.

The desktop varies from operating system to version. The graphic background of the desktop is called wall paper. The ball paper can be changed to a photo or picture or various patterns by going to the ‘Desktop’ section of the display properties in the ‘Control Panel’. The symbol that blinks on the computer screen is called cursor.

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MS Windows 10 Desktop

Another important feature that is available on the desktop is the icon, double-clicking on this icon runs the program or opens the file. Users can make shortcuts of the program for their convenience and keep them on the desktop and run them quickly. Icons can be moved anywhere on the desktop by clicking and drag-and-drop.

Some Important Icons on Desktop

My Computer:

It is an important icon on the desktop that enables access to Drives, Printers, Control Panel and other system applications. Other supporting applications, such as ‘Add New Hardware’, Add Remove Program, ‘Accessibility option’ and done through control panel, ম can change the setting of printer, modem, monitor display and sound.

Recycle Bin;

When we delete a file and folder, it goes to the Recycle Bean. It stays there until the recycling bean is emptied! Here the stored file or folder has to be brought back to its place by restore. When the Recycle Thin is emptied, all the deleted files are permanently deleted.

My Network Places:

Under this, the network connection is shown. Which makes it possible to connect the system to the Internet. By which one can establish communication with another computer and use other’s resources.

My Document:

This is a special folder in the computer’s high diet, which is used by the user to mince his personal documents, music, download letters and other files.

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Task Bar:

On the bottom edge of the desktop, there is a thin bar-like box with the start button at one end and the clock at the other end. There are some other small icons on the clock side of the taskbar, which is called Quick Launch. It opens frequently used programs in one click.

To make any changes to the task bar, the Settings option is selected in the Start menu. Clicking on the Taskbar and Start Menu option in the Settings sub-menu opens the Taskbar and Start Menu Properties window. There are many options in this window, which we can select according to our own.

Start Menu

In Windows XP, Windows 7, clicking on the Start button on the taskbar opens a menu called the Start menu. There are many options in this menu. Some options are accompanied by a small arrow symbol indicating another menu, or moving the mouse pointer over that mark opens another menu. The start menu has the following options.

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This is a list of installed programs on the computer.


This is a list of Book Marked web pages.


List of most currently used documents.


List of system applications such as Control Panel, Printer, Taskbar and Start Menu and Network Connections etc. You can change the settings of any hardware or software through the Control Panel.


To find specific files or folders.


For any program related assistance.


To run a program or open a file, folder or document.

Log off:

Password Protect allows one user to log off and another user to log on.

Turn off or Shut down

Shuts down or restarts the system.

Useful Programs inside MS Windows

Following are the useful programs under Ms Windows-

  • CD Player
  • Calculator
  • Game
  • Imaging
  • Media Player
  • Note Pad / Paint
  • Sound Recorder and Volume Control
  • Word Pad

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Introduction of Microsoft Windows

ms windows is a 32-bit multi-tasking operating software designed for a single user. It is mainly used in PC (Personal Computer). It facilitates convenient program execution, better coordination between the user and the computer, and multimedia using the Graphical User Interface (GUI) and graphical icons.

In this operating system we can open multiple windows simultaneously and perform different tasks in them. One can easily move from one window to another with the help of mouse or keyboard.

Development of Microsoft Windows

MS Windows
MS Windows

In the 1980s, a company called Xerox Corporation developed a computer based on a graphical user interface called the Xerox Star. But the graphical user interface was popularized by the Macintosh computer developed by Apple Computer. Microsoft released its first graphical user interface operating software MS Windows 1 in 1985.

Some of the other popular operating systems developed by Microsoft and the year of their release are-

  • Windows 10 year 2015 AD
  • Windows 3.1 year 1990 AD
  • Windows 7 year 2009 AD
  • Windows 95 year 1995 AD
  • Windows 98 year 1998 AD
  • Windows ME Year 2000 AD
  • Windows Vista Year 2007 AD
  • Windows XP year 2004 AD

windows glossaries

Graphical User Inter phase

It is the process of establishing an interface between the computer and the user through pictures, graphics and icons. Through this, there is a minimum need to read, write or memorize for the use of the computer.

  1. Icon : Small pictures called icons are used to represent programs, groups of programs or objects in the graphical user interface. These icons are shortcuts for the execution of the program, which can be directed by the mouse to perform the desired action. These icons represent programs, files, or folders.
  2. Objects: In MS Windows software, the name of the object is given to any file, folder or information or program.
    Wild Card Characters : A button on the keyboard, which represents one or more characters as an option, is called a wild card character.
  3. Plug and Play: This is a feature of Windows software. In this, the computer automatically detects any newly added hardware and makes it usable. With this, there is no need to restart the computer after installing new hardware.
  4. File and Folder: A group of data stored in the secondary memory is called a file. Any type of data in the computer can be stored in the file itself. A folder is made up of many files. The arrangement of keeping files and folders in the computer is called File Management. Files and folders are displayed by icons. The name of that file or folder is also written below the icon. File Name: To give a unique identity to each file, it is given a file name. File names in MS Windows programs can be up to 255 characters, including numbers, letters, and spaces, but special symbols are not used.

The file name consists of two parts. The first part is the file name which is given by the user. The second part is called the file extension, which depends on the type of file and is automatically given by the computer when the file is saved.

Some popular file extension names are-

  • .dat – Data File
  • .doc – Word Document File
  • .exe – Executable File
  • .hlp – Help File
  • .jpg – JPEG Graphics File
  • .txt – Text file
  • .xls – Microsoft Excel File

File extension name. (dot) and consists of three letters.

Different features of Windows- Advantages and Disadvantages

Features of MS Windows: Microsoft Windows is a software developed by an American company “Microsoft Corporation”. All versions of Windows that came out initially had application packages that required the DOS operating system to run.

All the versions that came after that act like the operating system itself.

MS Windows OS

Being an operating system, it provides an environment to work on many other softwares like Microsoft Office, Photo Paint, PageMaker etc. Developed for computers, the software is based on a graphical user interface method.

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The application softwares with which we work in Windows are all displayed in a rectangular area on the screen. On this basis this software is named Windows.

features of MS Windows

  • Operating System – Windows is presented as an application software as well as an operating system. Therefore, this disk takes the place of the operating system and performs all its functions and processes very well. On booting the computer from Windows, instead of displaying the prompt symbol (as in the key), a Windows desktop appears.
  • User Friendly – ​​MS Windows has a GUI. System based operating system. Graphical objects called icons are made on the screen for all the commands given in it. Therefore, instead of typing commands like DOS here, with the help of keyboard, they can be given to the computer only by selecting them with the help of mouse pointer.
  • Multitasking – Windows also provides an operating environment where we can open two or more application programs simultaneously (at the same time) and work in them. All opened programs are displayed in a separate rectangular area (called Ms Windows). We can go to any Windows as per our requirement and work in that program, that is implemented there.
  • Information Sharing – In MS Windows, we can not only work on two or more applications at the same time, but we can also exchange information between those applications. Opened programs are displayed in a separate rectangular area (called Windows).
  • Shortcut – In Windows, we can create a shortcut to any program or command and place it on the desktop as an icon. It is not only easy to operate but also takes less time.

Advantage and Disadvantage of Ms Windows OS:

Advantages of MS Windows OS

  1. Easy to use- MS Windows is such an operating system that anyone and anyone of any age can easily run it. It can be used easily as compared to any other operating system.
  2. Software: It is more easy to use any software in Windows, so the number of people running MS Windows OS is more. All types of software are available to use in MS Windows.
  3. Compatibility: From time to time new versions and updates of Windows keep coming, which makes it compatible.

Disadvantage of Windows OS

  1. Price: The price of Microsoft Windows is higher in comparison to other operating systems such as in comparison to Linux etc.
  2. Securiry: Security in Windows OS has been a topic of discussion since the beginning. Security is very weak in Windows OS as compared to Linux etc. It is believed that MS Windows products are never made for security, so the possibility of Windows getting hacked remains high, which has been a matter of trouble.
  3. Reliability: If you run a software with more memory in MS Windows, then it hangs, due to which it has to be rebooted again and again.

So here are some advantages and disadvantages of Windows OS.

Parts of Windows

From the point of view of study, MS Windows is divided into the following main parts (Parts of Windows)-


The part of Microsoft Windows that appears on the computer screen when the software is opened is called Desktop. This is the workspace on the computer where programs, icons, menus, and dialog boxes appear. There are some major parts present on the desktop.

  1. Files and Folders
  2. Internet Explorer
  3. My Computer
  4. My Document
  5. My Network Places
  6. Recycle Bin
  7. Start Menu
  8. Task Bar

Start Menu

The Start Button is located on the left corner of the task bar, which can be clicked to open the Start Menu. It is used to start various programs or applications. It displays the list of software, programs and features present in the computer.

Some of the main options that appear in the start menu are-

  • Documents
  • Favorites
  • Help and Support
  • Log off Administrator
  • Programs
  • Run
  • Search
  • Settings
  • Turn off Computer

Shutting Down Computer

There is a certain procedure to be followed to shut down the computer running on MS Windows operating system.

  1. Click Start.
  2. Click the Turn off Computer option in the Start menu. The Turn off Computer dialog box will appear.
  3. Select Turn off option.
  4. The computer shuts itself down. After this the power switch can be turned off.

Windows Task Manager

It is a utility application software of the Microsoft Windows operating system, which gives information about the performance of the computer, the tasks currently running on it, CPU usage capacity, computer memory status, etc.

It is also used to set the priority of the computer, stop running programs, shutdown or restart the computer.

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How to start Windows Task Manager program?

  • Selecting Task Manager on the task bar or pressing the Ctrl+Shift+Esc buttons or
    Pressing the Ctrl+Alt+Del buttons simultaneously. Stand By: This is the power management feature of MS Windows software. In standby mode, the computer consumes less energy to save electricity or battery.
  • Restores the old state of the desktop when the computer is restarted. Hibernate: This is the power management feature of the computer.
  • In this, the computer saves all the current files and documents along with the desktop and turns off the supply of the computer, so that electricity or battery can be saved. When the computer is restarted, files, documents and desktops open as they were before the computer was turned off.
  • In Stand By mode, the supply of memory continues while in Hibernate the entire supply to the computer is turned off. It takes time to come back from Stand By mode whereas it takes relatively more time to come back from Hibernate mode.
  • If Hibernation is active, then the computer itself goes into Hibernation Mode after being idle for a specified period of time.

Activating Hibernation Mode:

Start – Control panel – performance and Maintenance – Power option – Hibernate – Enable Hibernation – Apply.

Parts of MS Windows

Windows Media Player

  1. It is a digital media player of Microsoft Windows software through which we can play audio or video programs or view pictures.
  2. It is used for listening to music and watching movies.
  3. MS Windows Media Player can copy (movement) audio and video files, record them on CD.
  4. MS Windows Media Player 12 has been released by Microsoft in the year 2009.

MS Windows Explorer

It is a program to manage files and folders. It organizes files and folders in the form of diagrams and provides the facility to move them from one place to another, copy etc.

Viewing Files & Folders

There can be many ways to view and organize files and folders in the Explorer window –

  • Thumbnails: Shows icons based on the type of data in the file.
  • Icons : Displays files and folders as icons. The name of the file is also displayed below the icon.
  • List : Displays a list of files and folders with small icons.
  • Tiles : Displays files and folders as icons.
  • Details : Gives the detailed description of the file, such as Name, Type, Size, Day Last Modified (Name, Type, Size, Date Last Modified).

Display Properties Dialog Box

Right click on an empty space on the desktop. Select the Properties option from the drop down menu. The Display Properties dialog box will open.
Some of the main tabs in this dialog box are –

  • Themes: Contains a list of preset options. By selecting which we can apply the prescribed set of desktop background, screen saver, voice, icon etc. to the computer. It is also Parts of Ms Windows
  • Desktop: In this we can select the desired desktop background. A preview of the background also appears in this dialog box.
  • Screen Saver: When the computer does not perform any work for a specified time, a selected picture program starts running on the monitor, which is called screen saver. In this tab we can select the screen saver, see its preview, set the time to run the screen saver and set the power setting of the monitor. Pressing any button on the keyboard or mouse turns off the screen saver and displays the destop.
  • Appearance: Through this tab, we can choose the way the window appears on the monitor and the size of the icons etc. This determines the color and appearance of the components of the window and the desktop.
  • Settings: This tab determines the number of colors in the window, the intensity of the display and the font of the letters.

Introduction of Microsoft Office

What is MS-Office?

Microsoft Office is an application package of Microsoft company. All office work can be done in it. We know that there are many tasks in the office like drafting letters, typing letters, doing calculations, making presentation slides, preparing databases, and doing work related to emails, etc.

History of Microsoft Office

Microsoft Office was first started in 1989 by Microsoft Corporation (Microsoft is an American multinational company founded by Paul Allen and Bill Gates. Multinational company means a company whose business runs in more than one country) for Mac-operating system. Gone. The first version was introduced in 1990 for the Ms Windows operating system.

There have been many versions of Microsoft, from Office 3.0 to Office 95, Office XP, Office 2003, Office 2007, Office 2010, Office 2013, Office 2016 in addition to Office-2019 is its current version.

Types of Package of Microsoft Office

The major software components of Microsoft Office packages, also called components, are of the following types –

  1. Microsoft Access
  2. Microsoft Excel
  3. Microsoft InfoPath Designer
  4. Microsoft Link
  5. Microsoft OneNote
  6. Microsoft Outlook
  7. Microsoft Publisher
  8. Microsoft Skydrive Pro 2019
  9. Microsoft Word
  10. Microsoft PowerPoint

Advantage of MS Office?

  1. The biggest feature is that it is User Friendly & Easy To Use.
  2. After working on one of its programs, it becomes easy to use all its programs, most of the options of all its programs are similar to each other.
  3. Many programs come together in the package of MS Office, which provides the facility to perform different types of tasks.
  4. Due to MS Office being popular, it has been included in every small and big courses, which makes it easy to learn.
  5. It is very cheap software and easily available.
  6. Its installation is also very easy.
  7. In this, updates are given by Microsoft from time to time, in which its security is increased, bugs are removed and new features are added.
  8. Most of the MS Office is pre-installed in today’s latest PC.

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